About Plasmas and Processes Laboratory - LPP

    The Laboratório de Plasmas e Processos - LPP (Plasmas and Processes Laboratory) belongs to the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA (Aeronautics Institute of Technology), located São José dos Campos, São Paulo State, Brazil. The LPP brings together several groups of researchers and laboratories in the areas of Plasma Technology, Materials Science and Nanotechnology.

    LPP is composed of five laboratories: Cold Plasma Laboratory, Thermal Plasma Laboratory, Nanotechnology Laboratory, Optical Spectroscopy Laboratory and Materials Characterization Laboratory.

    The complex is installed in an area of approximately 2,000 m² and has the collaboration of several universities, research institutes and companies. The group trains an average of about ten masters and doctoral students per year. Currently, the group consists of approximately 50 members, including professors, researchers, post-doctoral fellows, and students of master's, doctorate and scientific initiation.

    LPP received funds from the main Brazilian research agencies, such as Finep, Fapesp, CNPq and Capes. In addition, the projects developed in partnership with the main national companies, such as Petrobras, CPFL, and Vale.

Research Areas

  • Materials Engineering

  • Plasma Processes

  • Surface Engineering

  • Thin Films and Coatings

  • Semiconductors

  • Advanced Materials Characterization

  • Sensors and Devices

  • Waste Destruction

  • Treatment of Solid and Liquid Effluents

  • Ozone and Plasma Activated Water


  • Development of reactors and processes for cold plasma and plasma torches

  • Development of reactors for the production of plasma-activated water and ozone

  • Treatment and advanced characterization of surfaces and coatings

  • Processing of nanostructured materials in the form of powders, gels, and films

  • Materials for applications in microelectronics, aerospace, energy, biomedical, and dental fields

  • Development of sensors, biosensors, microdevices, and photovoltaic cells

  • Production and characterization of thermal barrier coatings on nozzles and atmospheric reentry shields

  • Study and development of propulsion projects and plasma applications in the aerospace sector

  • Gasification of waste for energy generation

  • Treatment of solid and liquid effluents by plasma and ozone

  • Study of plasmas through optical spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and electrostatic probes

  • Studies on applications of cold plasmas in the textile, bioengineering, and agriculture sectors

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Breve Histórico do LPP


    Founded in the 1980s by Prof. Homero Santiago Maciel within the plasma group at ITA, the Laboratory of Plasmas and Processes (LPP) initially concentrated on fundamental studies of cold plasmas using diagnostic techniques like the Langmuir electrostatic probe. Throughout the 1990s, the LPP expanded its capabilities, introducing equipment for microfabrication processes, plasma tunnels for simulating reentry environments, and delving into thermal plasma studies. By the 2000s, the group, comprising 5 professors and 1 researcher, had produced numerous master's and doctoral graduates and diversified its research lines to include atmospheric discharges, third-generation solar cells, and nanotechnology applications. The LPP gained national prominence, leading to the construction of a new headquarters in the early 2010s. Presently, the LPP excels in cutting-edge plasma technology research, spanning atomic layer deposition processes, atmospheric plasmas, plasma torch applications in aeronautics, and aerospace thermal spraying, as well as housing a dedicated clean room for the comprehensive development of semiconductors, sensors and microelectronic devices.
